The Plot is underway! The Dragontooth Nest has found some of their water is tainted and there food source is dying off! Meanwhile the Murderous Clan and Bog Burglars are attempting to organize a meeting to discover why Peaceful County is being attacked. On top of everything else the great dragon Doomfang is on a search for a mysterious man and is terrorizing villages!
RPG Season: The month is august, the weather is still plenty warm however fall is approaching and leaves are beginning to change. It is the rainy month when many typhoons hit the islands; however there are one or two rare sunny days.
Oh NO!
The citizens of Peaceful County are in trouble! Dragons attacks have increased tenfold; the livestock on which they make their living is quickly disappearing. Dragons around the area have become increasingly agitated too; as their food supply around the islands rapidly dwindle. Tension is growing between tribes as rumors spread that the County is considering cutting off all trades. With winter fast approaching the danger of starvation looms over everyone’s heads.